Hello! It's very nice to meet you. I am going to be writing on this blog for the next few months. My name is Trent. I really, really like talking. it's basically all I do on a daily basis. But you know what's funny? I can't talk in front of a crowd! insane, right? I know! Its been my weakness ever since I could talk. I remember when I first had to give a presentation in 6th grade. It was about the president I
was assigned, Eisenhower. I just froze up! I couldn't speak another word!
I am currently in 9th grade. I take lots of classes, and my favorite is chemistry. chemistry is my favorite because I just feel that it is fascinating that everything boils down into the periodic table. another one of my favorite classes in English. one of my most favorite things in the world is to look over a completely proofread essay. I do think school is fun, and putting in hard work is a good feeling.
In my free time, I prefer to either read or play videogames. one of my favorite books is Dr. Jekl and Mr. Hyde. I used to read a ton, but because of schoolwork I have been reading less and less. My favorite drink is Coke. I could drink coke for the rest of my life and be happy.
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