Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Beginning of the End (Final Task)

Hello! my name is Trent! And I am very excited to get to work on our final project. My favorite color is blue, so I make sure to get the sky in to all of our projects. Aice media was not a sure pick of a class so it is a happy suprise for me how fun it has turned out. My group is great as well, as all of us are willing to listen to each other’s ideas and to make useful inputs and even shut each other down when the idea is THAT bad. Overall, my group consisting of 3 others is a one in a million group, becuase all of us want to to our best and make the most coherent funniest video we can possibly make. Every project we’ve ever done has been great by our standards and great by our teachers standards as well. And, on top of all that, we had fun doing it!

Throuought the duration of this class, we have learned many useful skills in terms of filmaking. For one example, becuase I was not able to film with my group, I opted to to all of the editing. With my teachers help, I was able to make our music video an entertains and impressive watch. Editing is now one of my favorite things to do! We also use as a group a number of different camera angles to make our commercial the best it can be. Medium shots, extreme closeups and long shots are all shots in our arsenal to make whatever we are making an interesting watch that keeps the viewers attention.

Our newest and final project requires multiple pitches. A pitch is a an idea where a film is encapsulated in 25 words or less. We have multiple pitches from different group members, but we have to choose only one that we will focus on. Our pitches before were:

A car ride that takes a turn.
An unexpected lover breaks someones heart.
3 rascals that find trouble with the government.

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