Thursday, February 20, 2020

Filming Blog: The Uber Big Day

Today our group began filming our project. We all decided that instead of meeting in a public place that we would all meet in one of our team members homes. The house that we chose was quite convenient in the way that it was in very close proximity to a graveyard, which is a very big part of the scenic shots of our movie, it being dark and gritty. a public park would not have contributed to the tone of the movie very well! Our group opted to not check out a camera the previous day of class, becuase we took a vote and decided to take the video with our phone cameras instead of the standard issue cameras that our teachers allowed us to check out. we had to get to our group members house late for the perfect scenery as a backdrop for a fake high school party. it was a long day of waiting but we were all excited to get started. we had a problem getting lights for the party in the background, but that was solved with flashing phone flashlights through colored glass. we had to get real high-lumen flashlights becuase our lowly phone flashlights were too weak to make a noticeable "party light" streaming through the window. the car scenes were relativley easy to film, as the audience can not see the background in the movie so that is not a detail we need to get perfectly right. overall, it was a great day of filming.

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