Today, we decided as a group not to film on the weekend, as a result of two of the most critical members having a lab report due in another class and having to spend the whole dang weekend working on it, not having the infinite foresight to do less important work earlier. This is fine though, as the other members of our team can take the time to be much more prepared and ready for next weekend, making the filming process much simpler and cleaner. we do not want to spend a ridiculous amount of time filming at night. we just want to get the scenes done and go home to edit quickly for the peer review that is coming up soon. the filming will be done at one of my team members houses, so even if all of our group members are ready to film and he is not, we would not film or have to change our plan. our movie involves a car and one of our members can drive so that problem has solved itself. The spooky-looking graveyard makes for a perfect backdrop for a spooky-scary story. our whole group is very excited to get to filming and just wants to get this video edited to perfection before the turn of the month.
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