Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer review

Today in class, we did a peer review on our final project/video.

Before the peer review, our group filmed, re shot, and edited. The video that we produced was not the final product, however. We plan on making more changes editing wise, as well as adding more titles to the film. I do not think a re shoot is needed.

The group that we graded had a great film. It was about a girl that wakes up in a simulation. She comes home and passes out, and then it switches to her in a training ground. The group was able to fill almost all of the criteria. I hope that our group can learn some things from the group that we peer reviewed, and implement it into our own film.

As well as peer reviewing another group, we had our video peer reviewed. Most of the comments were positive, but some were not. I have learned what we need to change and put into our film. One of the things being titles. Things such as "edited by" and "filmed by" were missing in our film. Our group will definitely be able to put these things into our film by the time it is due.

I am glad we had the ability to experience peer reviewing. It has helped me see what our group is doing good in, and what we are lacking in. I plan on going home and changing the video transitions. I will also add the title slides, and some eerie music.

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